, pub-8006261481595234, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 BRIDESMAID PROPOSAL | Bohemian Bride
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Will you be my bridesmaid? candle by Bows & Arrows - This soy based candle smells like a delicious sugar cookie. 


The Ritual of Sakura Mini Fragrance Sticks by Rituals - The mini variant of the current The Ritual of Sakura fragrance sticks, is specially created for small rooms in your house. A natural and stylish way to fragrance your home. Combines the soft scents of Rice Milk and Cherry Blossom for a delightful sweet and creamy aroma.


The Ritual of Sakura Mini Fragrance Sticks by Rituals - The mini variant of the current The Ritual of Sakura fragrance sticks, is specially created for small rooms in your house. A natural and stylish way to fragrance your home. Combines the soft scents of Rice Milk and Cherry Blossom for a delightful sweet and creamy aroma.


Bath Salts by Lavande - You will float away into your "happy place" once you slip into a nice hot bath scented and softened with Natural Sea Salt and lavender essential oil. These salts pull the toxins out of your skin leaving it silky smooth and relaxed.


Rose shaped hand soaps by Mulberry Birds - A goodluck ritual. Simply run water over the rose petals and rub them between your hands to develop a rich lather made with coconut oil and rose petals. They smell wonderful!


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