, pub-8006261481595234, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 ORIGIN | Bohemian Bride
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Herkimer Diamonds- one of the slowest growing crystals, formed under the water of an ancient sea, within fossil pockets of dolomitic limestone, alongside some of the most ancient, earliest living organisms on Earth. Its no wonder why we are utterly, head over heals in love with them. Their formation within this ancient water is what makes them so clear. "Phantoms" are inclusions, dark spots and colored flecks you see inside crystals; in Herkimer Diamonds the phantoms are generally one of 17 minerals that are ONE. BILLION. YEARS. OLD; the most ancient minerals on our planet.  

These herkimer diamonds are hand set in fine silver and 14k gold fill. No two are exactly alike. Wearing this crystal, you invite in the energy of The Origins of Life. The basic principals of physics that apply to all life, apply here; transferring the energy through the body on a cellular level to elevate your physical vibration. Fifth Chakra; your throat- the center of pranayama, self expression and truth. 



This piece is made to order- please allow 1-2 weeks to ship. Can be expedited upon request (rush charge will be added). As is, the chain is 18", chain length can be customized upon request. The talisman ranges from approximately .7-8" for large, and .5" for small. 


  • Custom made and ships within 1-2 weeks. 

  • Wild Tide Collective 

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