, pub-8006261481595234, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MOONFLUENCE | Bohemian Bride
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If the moon controls the tides, and the ocean makes up about 70% of our planet; it would only make sense that our 70% water-y bodies are under her moonfluence too.

 guided by harmony
all seeing eyes adorn individually handmade crescents imprinted with dots of three


natural quartz emits a steady, high frequency vibration that harmonizes with your own vibrational frequency. The higher your frequency is, the better you feel.



Meaning of Quartz | Healing Benefits

⟁ Embodies power, energy, and clarity

⟁ Amplifies vibrational frequencies

⟁ Balances and harmonizes the Chakras

⟁ Stimulates immune system

⟁ Enhances intuition

⟁ Deflects free radicals and electromagnetic pollution (EMF's)


  • Handmade to order. Ships within 1 - 2 weeks.  

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