, pub-8006261481595234, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SABINA | Bohemian Bride
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Ornamental Chinoiserie motifs intertwined with Camelia blooms adorn the tulle surface of the Sabine Dress. This intricate artwork is created using hand-glided stitch embroidery in soft ivory tones, and dotted with mother-of-pearl beads. A curved empire-line waist and small cap sleeve elongate the body and create an elegant 1930s style silhouette. The low-cut back frames the body and flows into an elegant full-bodied train. Trellis latticework is defined using delicate mother-of-pearl cut tubes, while layers of pearlescent sequins enhance highlights and shadows in the artwork. Small details of embellishment add an element of sparkle to this bohemian gown.


  • Ships in 12 weeks.

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