, pub-8006261481595234, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Wedding Dresses
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Joy Collection

A flowy A-line dress crafted in the finest chiffon. Intricately draped ‘Grecian-style’ bodice featuring dropped shoulders and billowy peasant sleeves finished with wide cuffs and pearly buttons. The sensual skirt is fitted with a high split and long train that highlights the softness of the fabric.


Erhältlich an folgenden Standorten:

Luv Bridal
803 N 7TH, Phoenix, AZ

Destiny Bride
7001 N Scottsdale Rd.
Suite C-142
Scottsdale, AZ

Schaffer's Bridal
3944 N. Marshall Way #103
Scottsdale, AZ, 85251

Colby Bridal
18529 N Scottsdale Rd, suite 123
Scottsdale, AZ

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